Legends: A Superhero Story
Legends: A Superhero Story
Series 2, Issue 039: Somewhere in Time - Chapter 2
Cold Stone, dark dungeons, round tables… and Merlin… Well no one can say things are boring for the team… let’s hope they can figure out what they need to do in Camelot and get it done quickly!!!
Game Master: Chad Matchette
Raúl Parera AKA Astor: Cesar Alacron
Sir Reginald Tippery AKA Falstaff: Morgan Collins
Terri Bliss AKA Dart: Natasha Sukorokoff
Pat Roleman AKA Paramount: Robin “Coach” Sukorokoff
“Legends” Co-Creators: Chad and Jack Matchette
Podcast Editors: Matt Williamson and Emily Matchette
BUY “LEGENDS: THE SUPERHERO ROLE PLAYING GAME” NOW: https://books.friesenpress.com/store/title/119734000192338578
- Listen to “Legends: The Superhero Soundtrack” on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5mBxdCslTJ1u1aBHetIiem?si=lt4_4_RUSISSP4E1e_7Hiw
- Tweet about the show using #thelegendscast for the chance to have an NPC named after you!
- For our super fans who would like to help us make the show the best it can be, please consider becoming a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/thelegendscast
- Check out our heroic merch here: https://thelegendscast.threadless.com/#
- Come hang out with us on Discord: https://discord.gg/jYpYhN3fTV
- For more information head over to our website: https://www.matchplaygames.ca/
Theme music by Omar Chakor (https://www.instagram.com/theorce/) through Fiverr (https://www.fiverr.com/ch6k0r)
Underscoring by Sayer Roberts (https://www.instagram.com/roberts.the.sayer/) - check him out on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-135673977 and SideBiz Studio!: https://bit.ly/3kdunQJ