Legends: A Superhero Story
Legends: A Superhero Story
Series 2, Issue 040: Somewhere in Time - Chapter 3
Artie’s back… ARTIE!!! That’s so awesome… wait… what do you mean he has a sword to Lancelot's throat… Yikes maybe all is not what it seems!
Game Master: Chad Matchette
Raúl Parera AKA Astor: Cesar Alacron
Sir Reginald Tippery AKA Falstaff: Morgan Collins
Terri Bliss AKA Dart: Natasha Sukorokoff
Pat Roleman AKA Paramount: Robin “Coach” Sukorokoff
“Legends” Co-Creators: Chad and Jack Matchette
Podcast Editors: Matt Williamson and Emily Matchette
BUY “LEGENDS: THE SUPERHERO ROLE PLAYING GAME” NOW: https://books.friesenpress.com/store/title/119734000192338578
- Listen to “Legends: The Superhero Soundtrack” on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5mBxdCslTJ1u1aBHetIiem?si=lt4_4_RUSISSP4E1e_7Hiw
- Tweet about the show using #thelegendscast for the chance to have an NPC named after you!
- For our super fans who would like to help us make the show the best it can be, please consider becoming a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/thelegendscast
- Check out our heroic merch here: https://thelegendscast.threadless.com/#
- Come hang out with us on Discord: https://discord.gg/jYpYhN3fTV
- For more information head over to our website: https://www.matchplaygames.ca/
Theme music by Omar Chakor (https://www.instagram.com/theorce/) through Fiverr (https://www.fiverr.com/ch6k0r)
Underscoring by Sayer Roberts (https://www.instagram.com/roberts.the.sayer/) - check him out on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-135673977 and SideBiz Studio!: https://bit.ly/3kdunQJ